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The latest measures taken in São Tomé and Príncipe against the COVID-19
The Government of São Tomé e Príncipe adopted economical and financial measures to combat the effects of the new Coronavirus (Covid-19), during the emergency period
The latest measures taken in Mozambique against the COVID-19
The Government raised the state of alert and reinforced measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic
The latest measures taken in Equatorial Guinea against the COVID-19
On 14 April 2020 the Presidency of the Government of Equatorial Guinea extended the validity of Decree No. 42/2020, which declares the State of Health Alarm and measures for the protection, containment and control of Covid-19.
The latest measures taken in São Tomé and Príncipe against the COVID-19
Government officially confirms cases of Covid-19 and declares new sanitary measures
The latest measures taken in Equatorial Guinea against the COVID-19
The Government of Equatorial Guinea adopted urgent economic measures facing the Covid-19 outbreak
The latest measures taken in Equatorial Guinea against the COVID-19
The Government of Equatorial Guinea extends the social measures against the Covid-19 outbreak